Machines for Soldering Plastic Bags

The machines for soldering plastic bags are definitely one of our best selling products. The idea of creating such devices appeared at the beginning of the 1990s with a customer producing small plastic pieces who wanted them sealed into a plastic bag. So we started studying for these plastic bags can be closed. After eliminating some mechanical closing mechanisms out of the drawing board the thermal soldering was the one remaining solution. So we designed the mechanical soldering jaws, the power and the digital command parts, realized and tested them. Back then we even created our own air pistons and valves (really hardcore mechanical stuff :)).

As the pictures show these types of equipment evolved and got more and more optimizations with time. Up to date, we put into the market more than 30 different variants of this product in all imaginable forms and sizes. You have something to be put into a plastic bag and sealed fast? We got you covered!
