G1 Pathfinder
G1 Pathfinder started as a brainchild of us way back in 2002 and evolved into the bachelor degree diploma project to be released later on in 2006. The idea of it was to incorporate into a real physical robot an artificial intelligence system capable of discovering and exploring the surroundings in a quest to reach a designated point in space by following the shortest route to there. All of this without entering in a collision with objects and walls or falling into pits. A real live video streaming was also available whilst the scanned surroundings map was digitally created in real time.
Most of the robot’s sensors were developed from scratch and even a proprietary wireless protocol was created for transmitting the environment’s related information. Big credits here to Alexandru Tuduran (where ever you might be now 🙂 ) for his significant contributions in the AI algorithms and advanced graphics and sound presentation of the final product.
In the end, this robot got to be in fact the first of its kind created and demoed at Alexandru Ioan Cuza University in Iasi, Romania. This is a prestigious and the first established university in the country with its roots tracing back to the 19th century.